Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wrath of the Lich King Heroic Dungeons - WoW 5Boxing

Utgarde Keep

prince-keleseth-heroic Just drag Prince Keleseth behind this ledge/hallway and cramp everyone in there. Your fire totems should take care of anyone getting "frost-cubed". If not, I usually dps it down with my tank but usually don't have too. All the adds will get picked up by the Tank AoE. Makes the fight much easier.


ingvar-heroic I like to keep the shamans spread out in the center area against Ingvar. But the main thing here is Tank needs to strafe and go around at the right time and have decent enough gear. I've also wiped quite a bit when my DPS was lower and couldn't get him down before he starts tossing his Axe. At about 2300 buffed DPS on the shamans, the Axe was no longer an issue.

 Utgarde Pinnacle

kingymiron-heoric After getting Skadi's fight down pat (see previous post on non-heroics/same strat), everything else is just smooth sailing.

 Halls of Lightning

loken-heroics For Halls of Lightning, there are a few things to consider. The first boss in heroics hits like a mac truck but still pretty much a tank and spank. Second rock boss is trivial but the third boss (the Arcane one) is difficult until I started spreading out the Shamans against the right corner wall. I needed to stay alert and heal my way through the add phases (mostly using chain heal) but it still wasn't easy. For the final boss, Loken, I piled everyone together and summoned all the rock elementals and just DPS him down. 


gundrak-h Gundrak is my routine Heroic Badge run dungeon since it's a quick run with 5 Badges. Most of the bosses are so easy so it's not woth mentioning except for the 2nd boss (the rock and water elemental tag team). I ended up lining up my shamans in a line and strafe whenever we got "purple-grounded". I always try to save my tank CDs in preparation of the "Boss exchange" since they reset their aggro list on every exchange. Make certain that healing totems are up and nature resist as well. For the final boss Galdarah, i just go line up all the Shamans against the wall on the right side and tank and spank. I'll summon the Rock Elementals to help tank as well. The fight gets easy as my DPS goes up.

 Drak'Tharon Keep

drak-h No difference in strat from the Normal. Also an easy Heroic Dungeon to 5Box.

 The Culling of Stratholme

cos-heroic The Culling of Stratholme Heroic is not much different from the regular version. Most of the bosses are Tank and Spank. The only tough Boss is the final one where I always keep my distance, use Pally's shadow resist and pop chain heals regularly.

 The Occulus and Nexus

oc1-h The Occulus is one of those instances I don't think I will be clearing as too much macro customization is needed to be worth the trouble (since we fight on drakes). So I went in and killed the first boss and left it at that. The Nexus was an easy full clear which I will upload some screenshots later. The only other instance I have not been able to complete with this 5Box setup is Heroic Halls of Stone. The escort event's third phase Fire Lasers owned me big time. I'll try again when I've saved up enough gold for a hefty repair bill as wiping once now costs me close to 75Gs (all 5 characters).




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